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- National Pancake And Waffle House
- Williamsburg, Virginia
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Pancakes You Won’t See In Williamsburg, Virginia
It is one of the most beloved dishes in the American Breakfast restaurant lineup, both here in Williamsburg and …everywhere else. The pancake is universally known for being delicious. In fact I have never seen a pancake, pizza or donut shop ever fail. And like these two other American food perennial favorites there is no shortage of things you can do to them.
It seems every time I look around someone has a new exotic flavor of donut or pizza. Pancakes are no different. From syrup, to toppings, to the all important batter there is no shortage of exotic pancake recipes. I am going to list out actual wild ingredients I see offered as a way to spice up your pancake breakfast.
Here are some of the craziest styles of pancake batters or additives I have ever seen. These include:
- cornmeal
- scallion (yuck)
- pumpkin meal
- Cottage cheese (double yuck)
- Mini green onion (are you kidding)
- Apricot
- Ricotta cheese
- Buckwheat
- potato
- oatmeal
- corn
- beer
- cabbage (really)
- Mayonnaise
- Dr. Pepper
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Barbecue pork
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Ginger
- Ham
- Mushroom
- Beef crumble
- Zucchini
- 7-Up
- Carrots
- Butterscotch
- Corn
- Tomatoes
- Pears
- Mint Chocolate Chip
- Bread Crumb
You are going to need a lot of syrup for this mix of eclectic (and unappetizing) pancakes that could end up on your plate
Weirdest Pancake Award
I am not referencing any specific contest. I am choosing this one and it was not easy to do. But I do believe in being professional so here is my criteria.
The batter ingredient could not be something in the dessert family like mint chocolate chips. Yes these are a little off the beaten path but they are not full blow whack out crazy.
Next there were ingredients that could probably disappear in the batter and you could get by eating them as long as no one told you they were in there. Bread crumbs could fit this. Ricotta cheese if sweetened could be placed on the Pancake and resemble cheese blintzes.
The batter ingredient really needed to be gross with a clashing taste that would send a normal person running for the hills. So here is my top picks:
- Cabbage
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Green onion
- Mushroom
Where to get great tasting normal pancakes in Williamsburg
Let us put this ugliness behind us. I commend the people willing to try this, it is just not for me. For incredible pancakes and waffles come visit the National Pancake House on Pocahontas Trail in Williamsburg.
Check out our menu
written by michael saks
[email protected]
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