Your Content is a necessary and critical part of both digital marketing and SEO. In my book Homepage: Access Ramp To The Internet I go into detail about how important it is to structure content around company goals. I used the phrase content path.
Content Path: Explaining This Web Content Term
The content path is a series of unending articles, videos, and other materials that are linked and have some similarities in subject matter to facilitate a connection between one piece of content and another. It forms a chain effect as the search engine, and the web patron move from one topic to another that have similar themes or follow a logical conclusion. Put simply, it is the route your webs visitors will take to satisfy their information needs. It is also a great way to structure your content around your other marketing goals, digital and otherwise.
How To Structure Web Articles And Other Forms Of Content
The articles currently make up a large component of your content path. Articles offer easily digestible pages that can give end users and search key information they are looking for.
A Simple Example
Imagine you are running home building business. Your main goal is to sell houses but as you break down supporting marketing goals you realize another goal is to get a potential home buyers
attention. A supporting
piece of that goal is you have to get them excited about the new home. One logical way to do this is to write multimedia comment that goes into various unique luxury features they can include in their home design.
The content path here is to build related content with custom home features
So we simply will begin laying out articles that will go into exciting salient features we can offer in our custom homes. This is not the only path we can build, but it is a good starting point.
The do follow goals and set objectives
The content paths help you because they are moving the web visitor through your website on a topic they are looking for. This is building credibility and helping them get to the conclusion you are trying to instill in them, which is linked to your marketing goals. You literally beat a path to your door with the information known as content.
In this example simple objectives helped us structure the “path” of our content.
The web is a giant resource. A search engine will not return your page or site in a search if there is not clear evidence that your site offers robust accurate information to satisfy the user.
Implications if you do begin constructing these
You will begin to come up in more searches. You will also be able to actually target potential customers in searches.
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